There are a number of ways to pay for a ZipZac®. First, the ZipZacs can be purchased on our website or a check sent directly to Zchair LLC. We also have a great rental program at $35/month. If you don't like it, just return it or if you need the next size bigger, we'll exchange it. If you need any customizations to the chairs, we will have to quote it separately.

Currently, the chair is not coded, but we recommend your PT writing a strong letter of recommendation and submit to your insurance with the misc. code 2319. We are in the process of working to have the chair coded.

There are many great organizations willing to assist with the cost of a chair for a child with special needs. Always first consider family members, friends, and relatives. Then consider your local church, county programs for waivers, Shriners, Children’s Miracle Network, local or state SBA chapters, Lions Club. And there are many more.

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